Sunday 30 November 2008

Lapin à la Moutarde

Rabbit in mustard sauce:
Don't be fooled if you come to France and see numerous people on market day wandering around with cute little, live rabbits in their cute, little wicker baskets....they're for 'la casserole' and admittedly, do taste great!
Here's a recipé that I've tried and tested time and time again and believe you me it's simply delicious!

Serves 4
4 large/8 small thighs of farmed rabbit
1 tablsp. Dijon mustard (or a mix of whatever mustard you have
2 tablsp. olive oil
Black pepper
300ml white wine/cider
2 bay leaves
2 tablsp. full-fat crème fraîche

Wash the rabbit and dry well. Mix mustard, oil and season well with pepper. Smear this all over the rabbit pieces and leave for at least 30 mins. (or overnight)

Preheat oven to 200°C/400°F
Place rabbit in casserole and roast for 5 mins.
Add wine/cider and bay leaves and cook for 30 - 40 minutes until tender, basting occasionally.

Reduce oven to 150°C/300°F and wrap rabbit pieces in foil. Pour the juice into a pan and boil to reduce. Add the crème fraîche and cook gently for a few minutes.
Put rabbit back into sauce and test for seasoning.

Serve with basmati rice.

1 comment:

BridC said...

Hi Sinead. Thanks for the rabbit recipe - I also like the look of the savoury cakes, so will be trying that out too. I'll probably experiment with spelt flour, rather than SR to see how that works.