An abundant variety of mouth-watering dishes and delicacies is the highlight of this important family occasion. Called le réveillon (the awakening) and celebrated on Christmas Eve, festivities continue into the early hours of Christmas day. In some homes, the meal is interrupted by the welcomed arrival of le Père Noel at midnight, when gifts are exchanged, while in others midnight Mass remains an important part of Noel.
Amuses-bouche (literally meaning ‘mouth amusers –nibbles) and apéritifs are served at the beginning of this marathon evening of food, wine and conversation. Starters may include foie gras, smoked salmon or oysters, served on their own, or as part of a seafood platter including crabs, lobsters, periwinkles,sea snails, and prawns, served with lemon wedges, crusty bread, salted butter and homemade mayonnaise.
Traditionally, chestnut-stuffed turkey features on the menu, although seafood platters, scallops, duck, goose, capon (castrated and fattened rooster) and game in all its forms are often enjoyed today... Salad and cheese follows and the ever-traditional bûche de Noel (Yule Log) brings an end to this gastronomic evening.....
Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.....?
Eh non, not here in Normandy anyway, as the next day at lunch time , the food and festivities start all over again!
Joyeux Noel!
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