Crème de potimarron – Cream of Pumpkin Soup
(with Chestnuts and Vire Andouille or Truffle Oil Cream)
For 8 people:
1 small potimarron – pumpkin variant with a slight chestnut flavour, cut into chunks
150g carrots, sliced
150g leeks, sliced
150g onions, sliced
150g potatoes, sliced
50g butter/ 2 tblsp. olive oil
2 litres chicken stock/water
To serve: (optioanal)
- 4 slices Andouille de Vire (Chitterling sausage - optional) roughly chopped
- 100g chestnuts (vacuum-packed are readily available), crumbled
- Crème fraîche
- Whipped cream with a drop of Truffle oil
Sweat the vegetables in melted butter/olive oil for about 10 minutes.
Add stock/water and simmer gently for about 20 mins./until the vegetables are soft.
Blend in a liquidizer.
Place the andouille in a pre-heated pan and add the crumbled chestnuts.
Add to soup and serve with a good dollop of crème fraîche.....
Serve with Truffle oil cream.
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