It's done - it's in - and we're all very happy.....We've recently installed our Rayburn wood-burning stove and I can safely say that we just love it!!
My kitchen is, however, no longer a place I can escape to - himself and the kids being too afraid to enter should I request that the dishwasher be emptied or anything else along those lines.....He's even bought himself an armchair...and is talking of putting a TV in here too... Doesn't he understand the 'gendarmerie' sign on the kitchen wall anymore?
Not to worry, we do Darby and Joan quite well in fact!!
The food is great, the temptation to cook enormous (as the oven is always warm)but best of all is that warm feeling in the morning....as two sleepy-eyed, little girls make their toast on the hot plate....
the simple pleasures in life.....
A bientôt!
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